Business Directory ATTORNEYS / LEGALNew SearchPrev12NextAlabama Center for Elder Law, LLCProfilewww.alabamaelderlawcenter.com214 Perry AvenueDothan, AL 36303334-792-6213Fax: 888-847-2685reggie@alabamaelderlawcenter.comATTORNEYS / LEGALAlabama Court Reporting, Inc.Profilewww.alabamareporting.com1019 South Perry Street (Montgomery)717 Church Street NWHuntsville, AL 35801334-758-0481lori@alabamareporting.comATTORNEYS / LEGALArmstrong & Jordan, PCProfile200 Grove Park Lane, Suite 670Dothan, AL 36305334-793-2629Fax: 334-793-5144ATTORNEYS / LEGALBart M Boothe, LLCProfilewww.bartboothelaw.comP.O. Box 7001Dothan, AL 36302-7001334-897-3413bart@bartboothelaw.comATTORNEYS / LEGALBrock & Stout Attorneys at Ross Clark CircleDothan, AL 36301334-671-5555Fax: 334-792-3562ATTORNEYS / LEGALCarr AllisonProfilewww.carrallison.com200 Grove Park Lane, Suite 200Dothan, AL 36305334-712-6459Fax: 334-712-0902ATTORNEYS / LEGALCherry & IrwinProfilewww.cherryirwin.com163 West Main StreetDothan, AL 36301334-793-1000contact@cherryirwin.comATTORNEYS / LEGALCobb, Boyd, White & CobbProfilewww.cobbfirm.com112 Jamestown BoulevardP.O. Box 2047Dothan, AL 36302-2047334-677-1000Fax: 334-699-3500ATTORNEYS / LEGALFarmer Price, LLPProfilewww.farmerprice.com100 Adris PlaceDothan, AL 36303334-793-2424Fax: 334-793-6624ATTORNEYS / LEGALFortif Law Partners, LLCProfile285 North Foster Street, Suite 700Dothan, AL 36303334-686-1490accounting@fortif.comATTORNEYS / LEGALThe Gartlan Law Firm, LLCProfilewww.dothanalabamalawyer.com408 South Foster StreetP.O. Box 5508Dothan, AL 36302-5508334-699-4625Fax: 334-699-3972ATTORNEYS / LEGALHardwick, Hause, Segrest & WaldingProfile905 Kent DriveDothan, AL 36305-3305334-794-4144jkevinwalding.hhsw1@gmail.comATTORNEYS / LEGALHuskey & Barron, PLLCProfile112 West Adams StreetPost Office Drawer 550Dothan, AL 36302-0550334-794-3366Fax: 334-794-7292ATTORNEYS / LEGALJoel W. Weatherford, LLC AttorneyProfile200 Parkwest Circle, Suite 3Dothan, AL 36303334-203-6325Fax: 334-203-7104ATTORNEYS / LEGALJohnston Hinesley, PCProfilewww.johnstonhinesley.com291 North Oates StreetP.O. Box 2246Dothan, AL 36302-2246334-793-1115Fax: 334-793-6603ATTORNEYS / LEGALThe Joyner Firm, Inc.Profilewww.thejoynerfirm.com203 Beecher StreetDothan, AL 36303334-778-7373brijoyner@thejoynerfirm.comATTORNEYS / LEGALLee, Livingston, Lee & Nichols, PCProfilewww.llln-law.com238 West Main StreetP.O. Box 1665Dothan, AL 36302-1665334-792-4156Fax: 334-794-8342ATTORNEYS / LEGALLewis, Brackin, Flowers & JohnsonProfilewww.lbfjlaw.com265 West Main StreetP.O. Box 1165Dothan, AL 36302-1165334-792-5157Fax: 334-671-0977ATTORNEYS / LEGALPeter A. McInish, LLCProfilewww.pamcinishlaw.com153 South Oates StreetP.O. Box 610Dothan, AL 36302-0610334-671-2555Fax: 334-671-2556ATTORNEYS / LEGALPrim & Mendheim, Jamestown BoulevardP.O. Box 2147Dothan, AL 36302-2147334-671-9555Fax: 334-671-9615ATTORNEYS / LEGALNew SearchPrev12NextMembers | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Wed5 AI- 101 seminarMar 5th @ 9:00 AMThu6 DAYP - PDL - Southeast AL Chilod Advocacy CenterMar 6th @ 11:30 AMFri7 Chairmans Coffee and ConversationsMar 7th @ 8:00 AMThu13 DACC Golf ClassicMar 13th @ 8:00 AM + Add Your Event